Friday, September 11, 2009

Kid Says...

Due to a lack of textbooks at the beginning of the year, our reading teacher couldn't use the book because all my kids didn't have one. She decided to read novels with the classes. Her homeroom was given the novel How to Eat Fried Worms. One of their assignments was to create a restaurant menu using worms. Keeping that in mind, along with the fact that the special bunch of children attend our school and their world view is TOTALLY different that most, she sent me this message the other day: So... I'm grading the worm menus today and I get to John Doe, and it one of his food items is Fried Worm Balls. The description of fried worm balls is.... the worms balls. I start reading this, get to worm balls- am thinking hush puppy like objects, then continue reading... no... more like Rocky Mountain Oyster!


Mandy @ life's about a dream said...

And this coming from the lips of one of my former students. Sure hope that response wasn't because of my teaching! :)

Dana said...

Oh wow.. LOL. I saw it on facebook when Lindsey said it but I just now got it!