Saturday, September 18, 2010


I know it is a little early for that word, but I am starting my shopping.  I like to be able to spread out the expense and so I start picking up stuff now.  However, I am stuck on Maggie.  So, Moms out there- what does your 2 1/2 year old really like?  We have toys coming out the ying yang and I can't stand too much more clutter.  I was leaning towards dress up stuff maybe?  a little piano?  Suggestions?  I want to be done my Thanksgiving....

1 comment:

Dana said...

Emma got her first dress up clothes when she was 2 and a half. It's hard for me to know with Chloe since it's just always been here for her. But, you definitely can't go wrong with dress up clothes. Also, Chloe plays for hours with her "my loving family" dollhouse. A kitchen is a good way to go too if you don't already have one of those. Don't expect her to get peddling down until at least three. We bought Emma a tricycle at 2 and I don't think she was able to peddle it until closer to 4. Even Chloe with her super coordination, has just now mastered peddling..