Friday, September 12, 2008

I love my job...

I'm on my soapbox today. It has been one of those weeks and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. So, I am going to vent, bury it, and get over it (or at least try). Don't get me wrong, I love my job but there are just some days where I wonder where the education system is headed. Too many people that have been out of the classroom way too long are making decisions that impact those of us in the classroom. And bless their hearts, the kids are the ones effected and they have NO control over any of it. I would love nothing more than to go in my classroom, close my door, and just teach- fill their minds with knowledge on anything and everything... follow what path our hearts and minds take. It is shame that decisions and mandates take the fun and passion out of teaching. Anywho- GO TIGERS! Beat NC State!


Tony and Susan said...

welcome to the blog world! i'm dana's friend so i linked to your blog from hers. i'm a teacher in central florida and i can shout a HUGE amen to this post!! i would like to see "them" accomplish what they expect out of us in 7.75 hours a day while at the same time teaching! it just seems to get crazier and crazier!!

you have a beautiful baby! i have 11 month old twins! it's lots of fun!!

oh, and we used to live in augusta. i loved the CSRA!

Jan said...

great to "meet" you too. i used to teach as well(i am now out of the classroom and into IT), and know exactly where you are coming from. i echo susan's amen. the "them's" of the world would never be able to accomplish what a classroom teacher does!

Amber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

Hey SB! Maggie is absolutely adorable!!! I can't wait to meet her one day. You're so blessed to find such an awsome babysitter! Anyway, I couldn't have said it any better myself. This is exactly why I quit teaching. I got so fed up that I hated going to work everyday. But I LOVE what I do now! Let us know when you're in this part of the state. We'd love to see y'all!

Tony and Susan said...

ok...who is amber and what does she do? i might want to do what she does :)...seriously!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sara Beth. I am Dana's sister. I teach kindergarten in Alabama and couldn't agree more. I long for the days when school was actually about getting them ready for future life and not about making the mark on some test that you know they can do in the classroom, if someone wasn't sitting across from them, staring them in the face! Anyway, can you tell, I have my own soapbox! I love my kids though and the keeps me going.

Maggie is beautiful. I have heard such sweet things from Dana.

Love from Above, Denise

Adam said...

Okay, now what I want to know is why my sister is leaving comments on your blog when it's been quite a long time since she's left one on mine!

LOL, hope ya'll are having a great weekend. I don't know much about all of this teacher talk um.. but I joined the PTO and I've got your back if I can figure out how!


Dana said...

whoops, that last comment was supposed to be from me..

I hope you're okay with my people swamping your blog..

Sara-Beth said...

Dana's people swamp me away- it is nice to see comments and I am excited to "meet" people from everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I leave the school and it goes up in flames! Just kidding. I can't say I miss it, because I think I would be lying. :) I do miss you teachers, though.