Thursday, December 11, 2008

Field Trips

A necessary evil in the life of a teacher... While I understand the importance of field trips, I don't think most parents (and kids) realize the energy it takes out of a teacher. My kids today got to do things I could have only dreamed of in elementary school. They got to make line graphs using equipment tracking their movements, measure angles and triangles on computers, and see the neatest holiday planetarium show. But, what did they spend this great time doing? Let's see.... throwing food, playing with a glo-stick during the planetarium show, talk, talk, talk, hit each other, talk some more, chew gum, did I say talk? The worst part of all of this was that I personally knew 2 of the presentors!! Embarrassment! I don't know how to make parents realize that if they spent just a little time with their child, their behavior would improve and make everyone (mine and theirs) lives improve! I know times have changed but I just don't understand how the "raising" that worked for us is all the sudden so wrong. We turned out pretty darn good if you ask me... I guess I am going to be that parent that everyone hates because Maggie will not be raised to behave like many of my students did today (I am sure I will have to eat some of these words one day but until then....) Tomorrow is a new day... Wonder what the world would be like if... - parents spent quality time with their children DAILY - parents supported education (not the free part of the actual IMPORTANCE of it!) - there was less focus on money and more time sharing love - people knowing the value of a days wages, earned through honest work - parents parenting


Unknown said...

Yea! You did it! It was pretty easy wasn't it? The layout that is..

I've got the girls to bed. Now I'm going to work on the pictures.

I think I understand what you're talking about with the field trips. It was so much preparation for the trips we took when we were in youth ministry and so often taken for granted. I think the top level of heaven will be filled with teachers. You certainly don't get your reward here!

Tony and Susan said...

from one teacher to another, AMEN! my 14 month olds act better than some of my students because i actually take time to steer their behavior and teach them what they should do and should not do!

and don't forget about class about pooped!